Periodontal Therapy in Dallas, TX

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About Periodontal Therapy

Gum disease affects a large number of Americans every year and can lead to numerous oral health problems as well as complications with your overall health. Fortunately, we offer advanced periodontal therapies in our Dallas office to restore your oral health and protect you from tooth loss. We’ll screen your gums every time you come to see us, and if we spot the slightest sign of an infection, we’ll be ready to offer the targeted treatments you need.

What Are the Symptoms of Periodontal Disease?

Periodontal disease can be sneaky, often showing mild symptoms until it becomes a severe issue. Look out for the following warning signs:

  • Swollen, red, or tender gums
  • Gums that bleed when brushing or flossing
  • Persistent bad breath despite regular oral hygiene
  • Receding gums pulling away from the teeth
  • Loose or shifting teeth in advanced stages

If you notice any of these symptoms, it's crucial to seek professional evaluation and treatment to prevent further damage and complications.

How is Periodontal Disease Diagnosed?

Periodontal disease is diagnosed through a comprehensive dental exam that includes measuring the depth of pockets between the teeth and gums, which indicates the presence of gum inflammation or infection. Our team at Drs Hamlett and La Mastra may also use x-rays to check for bone loss around the teeth. Symptoms such as swollen or bleeding gums, bad breath, and receding gums are also evaluated. Early diagnosis is crucial for effective treatment, as untreated periodontal disease can lead to tooth loss and other health complications.

What Are the Causes of Periodontal Disease?

Several factors contribute to the development of periodontal disease. Poor oral hygiene is a primary cause, as it allows plaque to accumulate and harden into tartar, which harbors harmful bacteria. Smoking and tobacco use significantly increase the risk of gum disease by impairing blood flow to the gums and weakening the body's ability to fight infections. Genetics also play a role, as some individuals may have a genetic predisposition to develop periodontal disease. Other risk factors include certain systemic diseases, hormonal changes (such as during pregnancy), medications that reduce saliva flow, and a diet high in sugary and acidic foods.

What Are The Risk Factors Of Gum Disease?

Gum disease is a prevalent condition that can lead to significant oral health issues, but understanding its risk factors can help in its prevention and management. Recognizing these factors is essential for maintaining oral health and preventing the progression of gum disease. Risk factors for gum disease include:

  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Smoking and tobacco use
  • Genetics
  • Systemic diseases
  • Medications
  • Diet

Healthy Gums = Healthy Life

Most Americans experience some form of periodontal disease, often without realizing it! Periodontal disease is chiefly responsible for adult tooth loss, bleeding gums, bad breath, and receding gums. It has also been linked to diabetes. Furthermore, those with periodontal disease are twice as likely to develop heart disease. The truth is, periodontal disease is easily prevented with proper hygiene, home care, and professional treatment. If diagnosed in its early stages, gum disease treatments are easier, less invasive, and more effective. Your visit to Dr. Hamlett includes a complete evaluation of your gums and supportive structures, and you will have access to advanced periodontal therapy to heal and restore your oral health.

What Are The Benefits Of Periodontal Therapy?

At our practice in Dallas, TX, we're committed to providing excellent periodontal therapy to our patients, ensuring they enjoy optimal oral health. Understanding the benefits of periodontal treatment can help you make an informed decision about your oral health. Here's why it's beneficial:

  • Prevents Gum Disease: Periodontal therapy helps halt the progression of gum disease, preventing serious conditions such as periodontitis which can lead to tooth loss.
  • Protects Overall Health: Recent studies show a connection between gum disease and systemic health issues like heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. Through periodontal therapy, we can help safeguard your overall well-being.
  • Improves Breath: Periodontal therapy can significantly improve bad breath caused by gum disease, boosting your confidence and social interactions.
  • Preserves Natural Teeth: By effectively combating gum disease, periodontal therapy helps preserve your natural teeth for a healthier, more radiant smile.
  • Enhances Aesthetic Appearance: Healthy gums are crucial for a beautiful smile. Periodontal therapy can improve the aesthetic appearance of your teeth and gums.

You can trust your oral health with Hamlett & La Mastra, DDS. Our team is dedicated to providing high-quality periodontal therapy, ensuring you enjoy all these benefits and more. Get in touch today to schedule your appointment.

How We Treat Gum Disease

The following treatment is included in your periodontal maintenance appointment:

  • Evaluation of oral health to detect subtle signs of disease recurrence.
  • Appropriate debridement of teeth and gums (professional cleaning and polishing).
  • Antimicrobial therapy to destroy difficult-to-reach bacteria, as deemed necessary by the doctor.
  • Evaluation of homecare regimes and aids.
  • Oral health evaluation, including oral cancer screening, necessary dental films, and decay detection.
  • Recommendations based on individual needs as a result of medical and dental history reviews.

Deep Cleanings for Gum Disease

Often, the first treatment option is an active periodontal treatment (root planing and scaling, otherwise known as a “deep cleaning.”). This extensive cleaning treatment is provided by the hygienist for patients who have hard and soft deposits that embed in the teeth, tissue, and bone supporting the teeth, as well as embedded bacteria and toxins buried below the gum line on the tooth. When hard and soft deposits attach to your tooth below the gum line, they pull the gum tissue away from the tooth, creating a deep pocket. The deposits must be removed so that the gingival tissue can heal and close the pocket. If not treated, the deposits and bacteria will begin to cause gum disease and deteriorate your bone, tissue, and teeth.

Periodontal Therapy FAQ

What is periodontal therapy?

The best treatment and care for periodontal disease is rigorous daily oral care. But if you have periodontal disease, treatment therapies can include professional deep cleaning (root planing and scaling), antimicrobial therapies, an oral health evaluation, and homecare regimens and aids.

Is nonsurgical periodontal treatment painful?

Depending on the level of periodontal disease, some patients may experience mild discomfort during a deep cleaning. Afterward, there may be soreness and some bleeding, which usually resolves quickly. An OTC pain reliever can be prescribed to also help with discomfort.

Can you reverse periodontal disease?

Periodontal disease is easily prevented and reversed with proper oral hygiene and regular professional care and cleanings. Periodontitis, however, can’t be reversed, only slowed down.

Can I keep my teeth with periodontal disease?

If your periodontal disease is more advanced and becomes periodontitis, there are surgical procedures, such as bone grafts, splinting, and joining of teeth, that can help you keep your natural teeth.

How is periodontal disease diagnosed?

Periodontal disease is diagnosed through a comprehensive dental examination, which includes evaluating the gums, measuring the depth of periodontal pockets, assessing tooth mobility, taking dental x-rays to check for bone loss, and reviewing medical history to identify risk factors.

How can I prevent periodontal disease?

Preventing periodontal disease involves maintaining good oral hygiene practices, such as brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and using an antimicrobial mouthwash. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings, a balanced diet, avoiding tobacco products, and managing underlying health conditions are also important in preventing periodontal disease.

Eradicate Gum Disease

With the help of contemporary dental care approaches, Drs. Hamlett and La Mastra can help men and women affected by periodontal disease receive efficient solutions and reclaim the health of their smiles. If you experience one or more concerns associated with gum disease, please get in touch with our Dallas, TX practice right away. Our dental professionals are experienced in a number of solutions to address any stage of periodontal disease.

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