Oral Cancer Screenings in Dallas, TX

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About Oral Cancer Screenings

Oral cancer is relatively easy to treat when detected early, but its initial symptoms can sometimes be hard to spot with untrained eyes. That’s why we include a complete oral cancer screening as part of every routine checkup. We’ll take a close look at your mouth and the surrounding areas for any suspicious sores or growths, and if we find something that causes concern, we’ll help you get the follow-up care you need right away.

What Are the Benefits of Oral Cancer Screenings?

Oral cancer exams play a vital role in ensuring overall health by identifying potential threats early on. Some benefits of oral cancer exams at Drs Hamlett and La Mastra in Dallas, TX include:

  • Early detection of oral cancer allows for more timely treatment
  • Increasing the likelihood of successful treatment and recovery
  • Identifying risk factors and offering preventive advice
  • Reducing long-term medical expenses through earlier diagnosis
  • Offering peace of mind by alleviating worries about your dental health
  • Helping you learn more about ways to maintain and improve your oral health

Who is a Candidate for an Oral Cancer Screening?

Anyone who wants to ensure their overall oral health should receive an oral cancer screening. This is because early detection greatly increases your chances of successful treatment. Screenings are especially important for individuals who smoke or use tobacco, consume heavy amounts of alcohol, or are over 40, as these factors increase your risk. During an oral cancer screening in Dallas, TX, Drs. Hamlett and La Mastra will check for any signs of abnormalities or precancerous cells in your mouth and surrounding areas. If necessary, we can also perform a biopsy to confirm the presence of cancer cells. Our goal is to catch any potential issues early on so you can receive prompt and effective treatment.

Signs and Symptoms of Oral Cancer

The signs of oral cancer might be mistaken for those of a toothache or a cold at first. Contact Dr. La Mastra as soon as possible if any of the following symptoms last for several weeks:

  • Persistent pain or sores in the mouth that don’t go away
  • A lump or thickening in your cheek
  • Red and white patches on the gums, tongue, tonsil or lining of the mouth
  • A sore throat
  • Difficulty with swallowing, chewing, moving the jaw, or moving the tongue
  • A numb feeling on the tongue or inside the mouth
  • Swollen jaws
  • Loosened teeth
  • Lump in the neck or voice changes
  • Losing weight
  • Constant bad breath

What Does My Dentist Look for During the Screening?

Dr. Hamlett will check your oral cavity and its connected tissues to see if there are any problems. He’ll be specifically looking for asymmetries, swellings, bumps, patches of color, cuts, and other potential signs of larger underlying health issues. In addition to a visual inspection, he’ll also feel for unusual masses and immobility in tissue that normally moves.

If a possible sign of oral cancer is found, you may be referred for further tests. This won’t necessarily mean that you have cancer; it’s simply meant to help you get an accurate diagnosis that will help you avoid larger health problems later.

What Can I Expect During My Screening?

First, Dr. Hamlett will visually inspect your face, neck, lips, inside of your nose and your oral cavity for abnormalities. This might involve using a tongue depressor, a light, and other tools. After that, he’ll perform a physical exam by feeling the head and cheeks, around the jaw, under the chin and inside the oral cavity. You might be asked to swallow or describe the presence of any pain.

Oral cancer screenings FAQs

What are my treatment options for oral cancer?

Throat cancer treatment depends on the specifics of your situation, such as the stage of your cancer and whether it has spread to other areas. Most people can expect to discuss surgery and radiation therapy after an oral cancer diagnosis.

Where does oral cancer occur?

Most cases of oral cancer occur in the tongue or floor of the mouth but can also happen in the upper or lower jaw, gums, lips, and cheeks. This is why our Dallas dental professionals recommend a comprehensive checkup each year.

Who is most at risk for oral cancer?

People who smoke or use tobacco are much more likely to develop oral cancer. Heavy alcohol drinkers are also at risk. Our team encourages smokers to quit as soon as possible to improve their overall and oral health.

What can cause oral cancer?

There are many factors that can contribute to the development of oral cancer in Dallas, TX individuals. Oral cancer is frequently a risk of tobacco use, human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, sun exposure, age, and alcohol use. It often has an impact on individuals over 40 years old and is more prevalent in men than women.

Why is early detection of oral cancer essential?

Early discovery of oral cancer is essential to getting improved treatment outcomes and lessening the likelihood of the cancer spreading. With an early diagnosis at a routine oral examination in Dallas, TX, you can diminish your chances of deformity and death, as well as help increase your likelihood of survival. That is why if you have any questionable ulcers, growths, or white patches on the lips or in your mouth, you need to set up a dental exam at Drs. Hamlett and La Mastra.

Can a dentist treat oral cancer?

Dr. Hamlett and Dr. La Mastra can detect suspicious regions and acquire tissue samples to be shipped to a lab for evaluation. Most of the time, dentists partner with an oral surgeon and oncologist to decide on the most helpful treatment program if oral cancer is found. Interventions may consist of surgical excision, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy, based on the scope and stage of the cancer.

Your Dental Checkup Could Save Your Life

Oral cancer is the sixth most common type of cancer in the world. It causes the deaths of over 9,750 Americans each year, and only slightly more than half of patients who have been diagnosed with the disease will live longer than 5 more years. Fortunately, the chances of survival are greatly improved if the cancer is identified and treated during its earliest stages. That’s why Dr. La Mastra performs an oral cancer screening as part of a dental checkup. If it’s been a while since your last visit, make an appointment today; it could save your life.

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