IV Sedation Dentistry in Dallas, TX

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What is IV Sedation Dentistry?

Dr. Hamlett and Dr. La Mastra, with the aid of a Dental Anesthesiologist, offer the special option of IV sedation for the ultimate in relaxed dentistry. IV sedation is usually stronger than oral sedation, and you will feel its effects almost immediately. An anesthesiologist can easily control the administration of the sedative, and often, you will be asleep during your treatment. When you awaken, your treatment will be complete, and you'll feel comfortable and relaxed. With the availability of sedation dentistry, there is simply no need to avoid the dental treatment you need and deserve.

What Are The Benefits Of IV Sedation?

IV sedation can help make your dental experience less stressful by offering several great benefits, like:

  • Fast-acting
  • Reduces stress, fear, and anxiety
  • Enhances patient comfort
  • Allows the doctor to do multiple procedures at the same time
  • Can allow you to sleep through the procedure
  • Safe and effective

How Does IV Sedation Work?

During IV sedation dental procedures, a Dental Anesthesiologist working with your doctor, will introduce an IV into your vein. They will then administer a sedative. It may put you to sleep but you will not need to be intubated (inserting a breathing tube) but instead it will simply make you less aware of any pain or discomfort. You can still breathe on your own and respond to commands given to you by your doctor if awake. You will be monitored during the entire procedure, and it's OK if you doze off. One of the main benefits of IV sedation is that your doctor can complete multiple procedures if necessary as you will experience little pain and discomfort, especially for more involved procedures like wisdom tooth extraction.

Is IV Sedation Dentistry Right For Me?

Dr. Salvator La Mastra or Dr. Kenneth Hamlett will give you an initial consultation to determine if you are a candidate for IV sedation dentistry. They will review your medical history and ask you about any medications you are taking. For older patients, an additional consultation with their primary care physician or specialist may also be necessary. In general, IV sedation dentistry is good for people who:

  • Need more painful dental procedures
  • Have a high level of anxiety with dental work
  • Need more extensive or multiple procedures
  • Have a strong or overactive gag reflex

How To Prepare For IV Sedation Procedures

Because sedation can affect your mental faculties, you will need to make a few preparations before and after these procedures. Here are some common recommendations for people undergoing IV sedation dental procedures:

  • Before the procedure, you shouldn't eat or drink anything for 6 - 8 hours. You should have your complete medical history available and, unless otherwise approved, don't take any medications. Since you will need some time to recover from the anesthesia, you should arrange for someone to drive you home.
  • After the procedure, the person taking you home should collect any paperwork or verbal instructions your doctor gives you. Allow 24 hours to fully recover before engaging in regular or strenuous activity, driving or operating machinery, returning to work, or making important decisions.

What can I expect after IV sedation?

Individuals have different reactions to coming off of IV sedation. You should arrange to be driven home following your procedure as you will not be able to drive for at least 24 hours. Some patients notice some irregularity with bowel movements, so you may wish to monitor your situation and have laxative supplements available if needed. You may also have some nauseau associated with the IV sedation, although this side effect is more rare in our Dallas, TX patients.

IV Sedation Dentistry FAQ

Is IV sedation dentistry safe?
IV sedation dentistry is very safe for the majority of patients when given in a clinical setting by experienced doctors like Dr. La Mastra and Dr. Hamlett. During your consultation, we will talk to you about your medical history to ensure you're a good candidate for IV sedation.

Can you still feel pain during IV sedation?
While it is possible – it's unlikely. IV sedation helps calm anxiety and produce a relaxed, tranquil feeling which is very helpful if a patient needs multiple procedures or has a strong gag reflex. It doesn't numb pain. To prevent pain, the treatment area will be completely numbed with a local anesthetic.

Will I be able to drive home after IV sedation?
No, you won't. The effects of IV sedation can last 12 – 24 hours, so you will need someone to drive you home.

Will IV sedation make me go to sleep?
Some patients may fall asleep during IV sedation, but it does not put them to sleep. The deep feeling of calm and relaxation can cause sleepiness for some people, but most are still awake and able to communicate. If you do fall asleep, there is nothing to worry about – most patients are easily awakened with a light touch or shake.

What are the steps involved in administering IV sedation during dental procedures?
During IV sedation, a dental anesthesiologist collaborates with Dr. Hamlett or Dr. La Mastra to administer the sedative directly into your bloodstream via an IV. This method allows the effects to be felt almost immediately and can be adjusted throughout the procedure. The IV sedation helps patients relax deeply, often to the point where they sleep through their treatment but can still respond to simple commands if necessary. This type of sedation is particularly beneficial for patients undergoing longer or more complex dental procedures, as it helps to manage anxiety and minimize discomfort effectively.

What should I consider before choosing IV sedation for my dental treatment?
Before deciding on IV sedation, it's important to consult with Dr. La Mastra or Dr. Hamlett to discuss your medical history, current medications, and any health concerns you might have. They will evaluate whether IV sedation is appropriate for you, considering factors like the complexity of the dental work, your anxiety levels, and overall health. It's important for patients who opt for IV sedation to arrange for transportation home, as the effects of the sedative can linger, making it unsafe to drive or operate heavy machinery immediately after the procedure.

Schedule Your IV Sedation Dental Procedure

You don't have to avoid necessary dental procedures, in fact, you shouldn't - your dental health depends on it. With IV sedation dental procedures, you can have even the most involved dental work completed without worrying about pain, discomfort, or extended recovery time. Contact Hamlett & La Mastra Dentistry today to schedule your appointment for a healthier, happier smile.

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