How Long Will Pain Last After Root Canal Treatment?

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In its early stages, damage to the teeth is often superficial and can be repaired with a number of cosmetic dental procedures. However, if the damage is left unattended, it can penetrate into the middle of the tooth, otherwise known as the pulp, which houses nerve tissues and blood storage. If the pulp becomes infected, this places the tooth at risk for removal and can negatively impact the entire mouth. Att Hamlett & La Mastra, DDS, Dr. Salvator La Mastra provides patients throughout Dallas, TX with root canal treatments to help prevent tooth removal and restore oral health.

What is a root canal treatment?

A root canal is a type of endodontic therapy used to help prevent the removal of a tooth after extensive damage to the pulp. The infected tissue from the pulp is extracted, and the remaining space is filled with medical-grade material to optimize dental function. At Hamlett & La Mastra, DDS, we perform thorough dental examinations to ascertain if a root canal is an appropriate treatment for your unique oral situation.

How can someone avoid getting root canal treatment?

Any activity that increases the risk of cracking or chipping the teeth or cavity formation increases someone’s likelihood of receiving root canal treatment in the future. To reduce the risk of root canal treatment, individuals should minimize or avoid the following practices:

  • Poor oral hygiene

  • Chewing on hard candies

  • Overly sugary diets

  • Chewing on ice

  • Smoking

  • Vaping

  • Drinking acidic or sugary beverages

  • Ignoring regular dental checkups

Patients who grind their teeth, clench their jaw, or participate in contact sports should consider wearing a mouthguard to protect their teeth from unnecessary damage.

What are the benefits of root canal treatment?

Men and women who are recommended root canal treatment may notice numerous benefits, including:

  • Keeping the affected tooth

  • Removing and preventing further infection

  • Preventing issues from passing onto other teeth

  • Improving the appearance of the affected tooth

  • Decreased tooth pain

  • Prevention of bone loss and gum disease

Am I an ideal candidate for root canal treatment?

You may be a viable candidate for root canal treatment in Dallas, TX if you have:

  • Throbbing, aching, or sharp dental pain

  • Persistent dental pain or discomfort

  • Tooth pain with chewing

  • Tooth sensitivity to changing temperatures

  • An observable boil near the gums

  • Discoloration of a tooth after injury

  • Swelling of the lower face or gums

Dr. La Mastra can determine if you can safely undergo a root canal treatment based on your medical and dental history. If a tooth is too damaged or does not properly adhere to the jawbone, then a root canal may not be the appropriate treatment path.

What does a root canal treatment look like?

Root canals are performed at our clinic in Dallas, TX using local anesthesia. In some cases, sedatives are available for increased comfort and ease. Once the tooth is numbed, a screen is placed to protect the patient’s mouth. A small opening is created at the top of the affected tooth to expose the pulp. The pulp is removed, and then the remaining space is modified with specialized endodontic tools to protect the integrity of the tooth. Once the entire area is disinfected, the tooth is filled and closed off with a medical-grade substance and sealed off with a sedative filling. Patients can return home the same day for recovery.

Is there a recovery period?

The recovery period varies depending on the patient, their medical and dental histories, and their reaction to the root canal treatment. Typically, patients make a full recovery within a few days to a week after treatment. Some patients are comfortable with returning to work the day after treatment. Patients generally experience tenderness, swelling, and bruising after a root canal, which subsides with time and over-the-counter pain relievers. Patients should:

  • Keep a steady dental hygiene routine

  • Avoid eating hard, crunchy, or chewy foods

  • Attend the following dental check-up to monitor the root canal results

Since a tooth after a root canal is more susceptible to injury, we generally recommend a crown placement after treatment to protect the tooth and improve its general appearance.

How long will the pain last after root canal treatment?

In most cases, the pain after a root canal treatment should last for just a few days. If you are experiencing intense pain or swelling that lasts for longer than a week after your root canal treatment, or if you have concerns about your pain levels, consult with our office right away.

How long do root canal results last?

If the tooth is fitted for a crown and you make efforts to protect the tooth with excellent dental hygiene practices, your root canal results can last up to 8 – 10 years.

Learn more about the benefits of root canal treatment in Dallas, TX

If you reside in or near Dallas, TX, and wish to learn more about the benefits of a root canal treatment, contact Hamlett & La Mastra, DDS today and schedule a consultation with Salvator La Mastra. We’ll help determine if a root canal is right for you and give you the tools for a short road to full recovery and optimal oral health.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.